Artessano is a concept that was born from the passion of a Colombian crafter living in Germany and it is based on three main aspects: Health (wellbeing), Environment and Creativity. At Artessano we believe in the beauty and magic of handmade self-expression while taking care about the resources of our beautiful planet.

The two words in Spanish: “Arte” and “Sano” which mean “Art” and “Healthy” come from our believe that creating something with our hands enhances happiness and allow us to express ourselves. It has been scientifically proven that hand work (weather it is cooking, gardening, wood sculpting, drawing, painting or crafting) bring countless benefits and happiness :).

Creativity can be defined in many ways. Most of the authors agree that it is a capacity to develop and express our ideas in our own original way. We are all unique. We all have different ideas and express ourselves differently, therefore we all are creative! It is just a question of how often you train your creativity. Although, many times this concept is related to art, our fast-moving world and life circumstances push us to be creative in our day to day. 


Those who belong to the crafting universe, know how important it is to have the adequate tools and materials to create our projects -just like any hobby, right? Sadly, many of the crafting stuff we find in the market have no consideration with the environment. They are produced with highly polluting synthetic polymers and they come mostly packed in plastic -lots of plastic. The good news is that this situation is changing. Many players of the creative industry are taking small steps to become a more environmental-conscious hobby. Most of the actions are focus on the packing material (naked products or packed in recycled paper) and product life cycle (there are several flow markets and many possibilities to buy crafty tools from other crafters). At Artessano we love our hobby as much as we love this planet we live in, that’s why we are fully engaged to share and promote ideas and practices to create gorgeous things whilst taking care of the amazing resources of this world.

Foto by Robin Stegk


We want everyone to craft, to have fun and to take care of our environment while doing it. We are constantly looking for ways to enhance creativity, enjoy crafting and build bridges among all the creative and talented people out there. Based on this, we have designed our services and products:

We offer spaces where you can let your imagination fly and create precious things, while sharing materials, tools and ideas with other crafters. Read more>>

We create projects on regular basis and share them in our blog to inspire and share fresh ideas. Read more>>

Our products are designed considering the environment. They are not packed in plastic and every piece of them can be used to craft. Read more>>

We teach techniques and share tips & ideas for crafting different kind of projects. Read more>>


Me, María del Pilar -A.K.A- Pily. I was born and grew up in the beautiful Colombia and since 2013 I live in Germany. 

After working for couple of years as Industrial Engineer and project manager across different industries, some circumstances pushed me to pursue a new adventure: I decided to immerse myself in the craft-creative-universe.

Foto by Robin Stegk

I discovered the indescribable feeling that crafting brings and the intense happiness of giving a self-made creation to someone. That uniqueness is magic.

I strongly believe we are all responsible for making a better world. So, I decided to find a friendly solution, where people can enjoy crafting, sharing tools, materials and ideas with other crafters and at the same time avoiding lots of plastic and waste of resources. 

My Why

Help people to train and develop their creativity through crafting and discover the happiness it brings. 

My Purpose

Provide and offer circumstances/spaces and products where people can craft and spread kindness while taking care about our planet. 

It’s all about sharing and creating :).

My Vision

In the next couple of years I see myself creating platforms (virtual and non-virtual) to share tools, materials, ideas and to provide information not only about creating little/big pieces of arts, but also about business in the creative industry, which is a topic that fascinates me.


  • I was born in a beautiful city called “Cúcuta” (Colombia), located in a border with Venezuela.
  •  I’m the second of 3 Marias. My older sister is Maria Paola and the youngest is Maria Andrea -I am Maria del Pilar. Our papa wanted that we grow up and become doctors and found at hospital called “Las Marias”. We are 3 engineers.
  • Married to my incredible Stefan, a supportive partner of life and amazing chef by hobby.
  • Besides missing my family and friends from Colombia, I miss Chocorramos and Papitas de Pollo (Margarita)!! 
  • If I am not crafting, I am probably enjoying time with family and friends or doing Zumba :).
Thank you for taking the time to check out what is Artessano and who is behind it! I really appreciate it! 🙂 Don’t hesitate to contact me at, even if it’s just to say hello or to let me know I have a Typo :p or if you think we could work together. I’ll be happy to hear from you!
If you want to keep knowing more about the great stuff we do, check out our Instagram and leave us some ❤️ there. We’ll be tremendously thankful! That really helps us to keep moving forward!!